India's AI Revolution: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Invites You to the Global Partnership on AI Summit 2023

India's AI Revolution: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Invites You to the Global Partnership on AI Summit 2023

India’s AI Revolution: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Invites You to the Global Partnership on AI Summit 2023

In a recent LinkedIn post, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended an invitation to the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) Summit 2023. Modi highlighted India’s commitment to embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and empowering its citizens through technological advancements. He proudly stated that India has achieved in a few years what took others a generation, thanks to its vibrant start-up ecosystem, a talented workforce, and scalable solutions that are secure, affordable, sustainable, and replicable on a global scale.

Modi emphasized that India’s Digital Public Infrastructure initiative is an exemplification of pioneering efforts. He mentioned that the proliferation of mobile devices and internet connectivity, combined with scalable models for digital inclusion, has played a crucial role in India’s rapid progress in recent years. With that in mind, the Prime Minister expressed India’s intention to take a giant leap in AI to further empower its citizens.

The healthcare and agriculture sectors were mentioned as areas where AI is already making a difference. Modi envisioned a future where AI serves citizens in their language and facilitates personalized education. He also stressed that India’s progress is not solely aimed at its own growth but seeks to create an equitable and inclusive model for all. India aims to leverage AI to ensure that no one is left behind, working towards the greater good of humanity.

The Prime Minister acknowledged the significance of forums such as GPAI in guiding the responsible development and use of AI. India, a co-founder of GPAI, has actively contributed to fostering the development, deployment, and adoption of safe, secure, and accountable AI since its inception in June 2020. India’s election to the GPAI Council in November 2022 further underscores its dedication to promoting Safe and Trusted AI.

Modi reaffirmed India’s commitment to creating a regulatory framework that ensures the safe and trusted use of AI. The summit will feature various sessions, including the AI Expo, where 150 startups will showcase their strengths. Modi’s resounding message was clear: India is ready to embrace AI and lead the charge towards a future that benefits all of humanity.

As we live in this era of rapid innovation, it is clear that AI applications are expanding at an exponential rate. Modi recognizes that the revolutionary technology of AI is in the hands of young and brilliant minds who are swiftly exploring its vast potential. The Prime Minister’s invitation to the GPAI Summit 2023 signifies India’s determination to harness the power of AI for the welfare of people, ensuring that nations across the Global South can benefit from its advancements.

In conclusion, India’s commitment to AI and its transformational potential was evident in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s invitation to the GPAI Summit 2023. India’s achievements in technology and its dedication to inclusive growth make it a significant player in the global AI landscape. As the world moves toward an AI-driven future, India’s approach of enabling universal understanding and fostering a conducive environment ensures that AI is utilized for the betterment of humanity. The GPAI Summit 2023 promises to be an exciting platform for collaboration and innovation as AI continues to shape the future.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.