The Rise of AI in Recruitment

The Rise of AI in Recruitment

In an ever-evolving job market, employers are constantly seeking ways to streamline the recruitment process and identify the best candidates. According to a recent survey conducted by the Institute of Student Employers (ISE), an increasing number of employers are turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help them in this endeavor. The survey of 169 student employers between July and August revealed that more than one in four employers (28%) have adopted AI as part of their recruitment process, a significant increase from the previous year, where only 9% reported using AI.

AI is being used in a variety of ways in the recruitment process, with online psychometric assessments being the most frequently utilized application. It is also commonly employed to pre-screen candidates, provide updates on the recruitment process, and analyze video interviews. The benefits of using AI in recruitment are manifold, with 83% of employers stating that it enhances speed and efficiency, while 64% mentioned that it enables them to analyze large volumes of data.

However, the survey also found that 70% of employers still prefer a more human-centric approach in the recruitment process. Georgia Greer, head of insights at the ISE, explains, “It can be a juggling act for recruiters who want the efficiencies but are questioning the ethics and whether they’re comfortable removing human interaction from the process.”

While AI offers undeniable advantages, concerns regarding ethics and the removal of human interaction persist. Greer believes that as AI continues to evolve and improve, confidence will grow, and some of these concerns will dissipate. She notes, “From a candidate perspective, they may be asked to use tools like ChatGPT to answer questions and playback their experience at interview. But, at the moment, AI is mainly being used to assess performance in the process, so it’s not something candidates will always be aware of or can prepare for.”

The rise of AI in recruitment reflects the broader trend of AI integration across various industries. As technology progresses, employers are constantly looking for ways to leverage it to their advantage, and the recruitment process is no exception. However, it is important to strike a balance between efficiency and human-centricity. AI should be seen as a tool to enhance decision-making and improve processes rather than a complete replacement for human interaction.

It remains to be seen how AI will continue to shape the recruitment landscape. As more employers embrace the use of AI, its impact on the job market and candidate experience will become increasingly pronounced. The key is to find the perfect equilibrium between technology and human touch, combining the efficiency and analytical capabilities of AI with the nuanced insights and personal connections that human recruiters provide. Only then can the full potential of AI in recruitment be realized.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.