Elite Prep School Appoints AI Chatbot as Headteacher

Elite Prep School Appoints AI Chatbot as Headteacher

Cottesmore School, an elite prep school in West Sussex, has made an unprecedented move by appointing an AI chatbot as its principal headteacher. Named ‘Abigail Bailey’, the chatbot was created to support human teachers and the headmaster, Tom Rogerson, in various tasks such as writing school policies and assisting neurodiverse students. This groundbreaking decision showcases the school’s dedication to embracing cutting-edge technology to provide the best education for its students.

Abigail Bailey functions similarly to ChatGPT, a language model that can generate human-like responses based on vast amounts of data. While AI chatbots have gained popularity since ChatGPT’s release in November 2020, they are not infallible and have been known to produce false information or “hallucinate”. However, Mr. Rogerson acknowledges the limitations of AI and emphasizes that human counsel will always be sought in important matters.

The use of AI in education has raised concerns about job losses and the potential to exacerbate inequality. However, Mr. Rogerson wants to share the benefits of AI with state schools, making the publicly available model accessible to all. This move highlights the school’s commitment to not only benefiting its own students but also contributing to positive change in education as a whole.

Interestingly, this is not the first AI hired by Cottesmore School. Earlier this year, the school also appointed a chatbot named Jamie Rainer as the Head of AI. Jamie Rainer serves as an advisor on generative AI and assists the school with AI strategy and planning. The school even organized a free AI festival in September to help teachers understand and navigate the world of generative AI.

The introduction of AI chatbots into the teaching roster at Cottesmore School demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to education. By incorporating AI technology, the school aims to provide a wealth of knowledge and support for its students and staff. While AI is not intended to replace human teachers, it can serve as a valuable tool in enhancing the educational experience.

Mr. Rogerson’s vision for the future of education encompasses a harmonious collaboration between humans and AI. “It’s nice to think that someone who is unbelievably well trained is there to help you make decisions,” he said. The chatbot’s presence provides reassurance and convenience, eliminating the need to constantly seek answers from others.

As AI continues to advance, schools like Cottesmore are at the forefront of integrating this technology into their educational practices. By embracing AI chatbots, the school is creating an environment that fosters innovation and prepares students for a future where AI will undoubtedly play a crucial role.

In a world where technology is evolving rapidly, Cottesmore School’s decision to employ an AI chatbot as a headteacher represents a bold step towards a future of education that combines the best of both human and artificial intelligence.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.