Florida Lawyers: Client Consent for AI Use

Florida Lawyers: Client Consent for AI Use

Florida Lawyers Required to Obtain Client Consent Before Using AI

In a groundbreaking move, the Florida Bar is considering the implementation of a new rule that would require lawyers to obtain their clients' consent before using artificial intelligence (AI) in legal matters. The Florida Bar has reached out to lawyers in the state to gather their opinions on this matter. The goal is to create an advisory opinion specifically focused on the use of generative AI, including popular tools such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Microsoft’s Bing.

This new rule seeks to address several important aspects related to the use of AI in the legal profession. Firstly, it aims to establish whether AI should be subject to the same supervision requirements as non-lawyer assistants. Secondly, the committee is considering whether lawyers' fees should be adjusted when AI is involved. Additionally, the advisory opinion will tackle the question of whether law firms should be allowed to advertise their generative AI as superior or unique, as well as whether lawyers can ethically encourage clients to rely on due diligence reports generated by AI.

This move by the Florida Bar comes as a response to the growing use of AI in the legal industry. Several federal judges have already mandated that lawyers disclose the use of AI in cases appearing on their dockets. The requirement was introduced after a case in which two lawyers from New York submitted a legal brief containing six fictitious case citations generated by ChatGPT. The lawyers involved claimed they were unaware of the technology’s capability to create fictional cases. This incident highlighted the need for transparency regarding the use of AI in legal proceedings.

While other jurisdictions have yet to enforce rules specifically requiring consent before using AI in the legal field, Florida seems to be leading the way in this regard. As technology continues to evolve, the need for clear regulations and guidelines becomes increasingly important to ensure transparency and ethical usage.

Several legal tech companies have recently introduced AI products that assist lawyers in various tasks, such as legal research and document creation. The Florida Bar is actively seeking input from its members, who have until December 1st to submit their comments on the proposed AI advisory opinion. The committee responsible for drafting the opinion is set to meet on November 30th.

As the legal industry embraces AI technology, it is crucial to establish regulations that protect both lawyers and clients, ensuring ethical behavior and preserving the integrity of legal proceedings. By requiring lawyers to obtain client consent before utilizing AI, Florida may set a precedent for other jurisdictions and contribute to the ongoing discussions surrounding AI’s impact on the legal profession.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.