ChatGPT's Attempt to Mimic Shashi Tharoor's Style

ChatGPT's Attempt to Mimic Shashi Tharoor's Style

A recent interaction between a man named Devash and ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI, has caught the attention of many. Devash asked ChatGPT to write the word “approved” in the typical style of Shashi Tharoor, the Senior Congress leader and Thiruvananthapuram MP known for his eloquent and sophisticated writing. Devash shared the prompt and ChatGPT’s response, which was a verbose and nuanced version of the word.

In response to the experiment, Shashi Tharoor himself chimed in, expressing his disappointment with ChatGPT’s attempt. He jokingly commented that anyone who has sent him a file knows that he simply writes “approved,” dismissing the need for such verbosity.

The post of Devash has garnered significant attention on social media, with over 3 lakh views. People were quick to react, with some finding amusement in ChatGPT’s attempt to emulate Tharoor’s style. Others expected Tharoor to point out a grammatical mistake in ChatGPT’s response, while another user raised the question of legal responsibility in the complex statement produced by the AI.

This is not the first time Shashi Tharoor’s unique style has grabbed headlines. Previously, he discussed the difficulty foreigners face in pronouncing the name of his constituency, Thiruvananthapuram. In response to a viral video of South African cricket players struggling to pronounce the city’s name, Tharoor expressed his opinion that the capital city should have been called Ananthapuri instead.

The interaction between Devash, ChatGPT, and Shashi Tharoor has sparked a conversation about the capabilities of AI in emulating human language and the humor and complexity of Tharoor’s writing style. While ChatGPT’s response may not have impressed Tharoor, it has certainly garnered attention and amused many on social media.

As AI continues to advance, it will be intriguing to see how accurately it can capture the unique nuances of human language and styles of writing. Who knows, maybe one day an AI will successfully mimic Shashi Tharoor’s impeccable wordplay and leave us all in awe.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.