AI Tool Predicts Employee Turnover

AI Tool Predicts Employee Turnover

Employees quitting their jobs can be a cause for concern for any employer. It not only leads to a loss of valuable talent but also disrupts the workflow and affects overall productivity. To address this issue, Japanese researchers have developed an AI tool that can predict which employees are at a higher risk of leaving, giving managers the opportunity to provide targeted support and potentially prevent talent from walking out the door.

The AI tool, created by Professor Naruhiko Shiratori from Tokyo City University and a start-up in Tokyo, analyzes a wide range of data on employees, including attendance records, personal information such as age and gender, as well as historical data on those who have previously quit or taken a leave of absence. By studying this wealth of information, the algorithm develops a turnover model specific to each company.

When given data on new recruits, the AI tool predicts the likelihood of an employee leaving “in percentage points.” This allows managers to identify individuals who may be at a high risk of quitting and take proactive measures to address the issues they may be facing. By doing so, companies can reduce turnover rates and foster a more stable and motivated workforce.

“We are currently testing the AI tool with several companies, creating a model for each one,” said Professor Shiratori, emphasizing the ongoing efforts to refine and adapt the tool to different organizational contexts.

This development is significant as it leverages the power of AI to provide managers with valuable insights into employee retention. By understanding the factors that contribute to turnover and the particular dynamics within their organization, employers can create targeted interventions to retain their top talent.

However, it is worth noting that AI tools should not be solely relied upon in making decisions about employee retention. While they can provide valuable data-driven insights, it is important to also consider other factors such as employee feedback, engagement surveys, and regular communication with the workforce.

Research into employee turnover prediction is not a new concept but employing AI in this field takes it to a whole new level. Professor Shiratori’s AI tool adds a layer of precision and predictive capability that can greatly inform management strategies.

The potential impact of this technology extends beyond companies focused on retention. It can also benefit industries where turnover rates are traditionally high, such as hospitality and retail, by enabling proactive measures to be taken to reduce the loss of talent.

As we move further into the age of AI, tools like these demonstrate the potential for technology to augment human decision-making. By combining human insights and expertise with the power of AI, businesses can make better-informed decisions, ultimately leading to improved employee retention and organizational success.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.