Kakao Joins AI Alliance for Responsible and Safe AI Development

Kakao Joins AI Alliance for Responsible and Safe AI Development

South Korean tech giant Kakao has made a groundbreaking move by joining the AI Alliance, a global open-source community dedicated to responsible and safe AI development. This marks the first time a Korean company has joined the prestigious alliance, further cementing Kakao’s commitment to ethical AI. Kim Kyung-hoon, Kakao’s AI Safety Leader, expressed the company’s dedication to establishing an open AI ecosystem that meets global standards for responsible and safe AI development.

“We will work together with the AI Alliance to establish an open AI ecosystem meeting the global standard for the open, responsible, and safe development of AI technology,” said Kim Kyung-hoon. “We will take on the social responsibility as a digital tech firm and make continuous efforts to strengthen AI ethics.”

Kakao has been actively involved in promoting ethical AI development and was the first Korean company to announce its algorithm ethics in 2018. Since then, the company has launched the industry’s first tech ethics committee in July 2022 and released a report on technology ethics for the joint community in 2023. Kakao also operates a dedicated team focused on the value of AI ethics.

By joining the AI Alliance, Kakao aims to not only promote the global AI ethics standard within Korea but also advocate for Korea’s AI standards internationally. As part of its commitment to fostering AI advancements, Kakao has introduced the position of Chief AI Officer within the company, paving the way for systematic and innovative AI initiatives in the years to come.

This move emphasizes how Kakao acknowledges the importance of ethical AI development and ensures that responsible and safe AI technologies are at the forefront of their operations. By joining forces with the AI Alliance, Kakao demonstrates its determination to play a significant role in shaping the future of AI technology globally.

The AI Alliance, founded to promote an open and collaborative approach to AI development, encompasses leading companies and organizations worldwide. Its members are committed to developing AI technologies while prioritizing ethical considerations and ensuring the responsible and safe implementation of AI across various industries.

Kakao’s decision to join the AI Alliance solidifies its position as a responsible and innovative player in the AI landscape. By collaborating with other global leaders in the field, Kakao can contribute to the establishment and dissemination of best practices and standards for responsible and safe AI development.

In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, it is crucial to prioritize ethical considerations when it comes to AI development. As AI continues to shape various aspects of our lives, it is paramount that companies such as Kakao champion responsible and safe AI practices. By actively participating in initiatives like the AI Alliance, Kakao is paving the way for a future where AI technologies benefit society as a whole while upholding crucial ethical standards.

With Kakao’s membership in the AI Alliance, we can expect to see a collaborative effort to drive responsible and safe AI development in Korea and beyond. By working together with other global leaders, Kakao can align its practices with international standards, ensuring that Korea remains at the forefront of ethical AI innovation. As the impact of AI continues to grow, it is heartening to see companies like Kakao taking the lead in shaping a future where AI technologies benefit humanity while prioritizing ethical considerations.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.