South Korea and Meta Discuss AI and XR Cooperation

South Korea and Meta Discuss AI and XR Cooperation

In a recent meeting between South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the two leaders discussed ways to expand cooperation in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Extended Reality (XR). With South Korea being a global leader in memory chips, President Yoon emphasized the potential for collaboration in developing AI systems. He also highlighted South Korea’s efforts to nurture the metaverse industry and expressed the country’s readiness to support Meta’s vision and designs.

During the meeting, President Yoon raised concerns about the threat posed by the spread of fake news and fabricated material that utilize AI technology, especially in the context of upcoming elections worldwide. Zuckerberg reassured him by explaining Meta’s efforts to prevent election fraud, such as implementing watermarks or labels on videos to indicate whether they are AI-generated or not.

The discussions between Yoon and Zuckerberg also touched upon the need for Meta, as a global platform, to actively participate in building a trustworthy digital society. This includes strengthening cooperation between Meta and South Korean companies, as well as the role that Samsung plays in the global economy as a leading foundry business. President Yoon emphasized that South Korea, with its diverse portfolio of smart electronics, wearable devices, and smart cars, has the potential to be an outstanding platform for applying Meta’s AI technology.

Yoon’s call for close cooperation between Meta and South Korean companies is supported by the close supply chain mechanisms established between the South Korean and US governments. Sung Tae-yoon, Director of national policy at the presidential office, stated during a press briefing that the government is prepared to provide active support and that President Yoon stressed the importance of developing an open AI digital ecosystem.

This meeting between President Yoon and Mark Zuckerberg signifies the growing collaboration between South Korea and Meta in the AI and XR sectors. South Korea’s expertise in memory chips and smart electronics, paired with Meta’s innovative technologies, has the potential for significant advancements in the field. Furthermore, the discussions around ensuring a trustworthy digital society and combating fake news demonstrate the commitment of both parties to address the challenges that arise with the rapid development of AI.

As we move further into the era of AI and XR, collaborations between countries and organizations become increasingly important in shaping the future of these technologies. South Korea’s eagerness to support Meta’s vision and designs, combined with Meta’s efforts to prevent election fraud and build trust in their platforms, show promising steps towards a responsible and inclusive digital ecosystem.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.