OpenAI's ChatGPT Dominates AI Industry with 60% Market Share

OpenAI's ChatGPT Dominates AI Industry with 60% Market Share

OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT, has established its dominance in the AI industry, capturing 60% of the market share in terms of traffic. Between September 2022 and August 2023, the top 50 AI tools garnered over 24 billion visits, with an average monthly growth of 236.3 million visits. Out of this staggering number, ChatGPT alone accounted for 14 billion visits, making it the leader in the space.

These findings are the result of a report by Sujan Sarkar at, who used the popular SEO tool SEMrush to analyze data from various directories that catalog AI tools. By isolating the top 50 most visited tools, Sarkar was able to capture over 80% of the AI industry’s traffic during the study period.

The report also revealed interesting trends in the AI industry. Over the past year, the average monthly visits amounted to two billion, which increased to 3.3 billion in the last six months. In terms of net traffic growth, ChatGPT, Character AI, and Google Bard led the pack with 1.8 billion, 463.4 million, and 68 million visits, respectively. On the other hand, Craiyon, MidJourney, and Quillbot experienced the largest declines in traffic.

When it comes to geographical distribution, the United States contributed 5.5 billion visits, accounting for 22.62% of the total traffic. European countries collectively accounted for 3.9 billion visits. Among the types of AI tools, chatbots were the most popular, garnering 19.1 billion visits. Additionally, the report noted that over 63% of AI tool users accessed them through mobile devices.

The report provided insights into the demographics of AI tool users as well. It revealed a disparity in gender representation, with 69.5% being male users and 30.5% female users.

This dominance of ChatGPT in the AI industry is a significant achievement for OpenAI. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT has proven to be a trusted tool for a wide range of purposes, including customer service, content creation, and general conversation.

Experts in the field recognize the impact of ChatGPT’s success. “The rise of ChatGPT signifies the growing demand for conversational AI technologies,” says Dr. Sarah Williams, an AI researcher at Stanford University. “As more businesses and individuals seek AI-powered solutions, chatbots like ChatGPT provide an accessible entry point into the world of artificial intelligence.”

ChatGPT’s success can also be attributed to its ability to continually improve through machine learning. OpenAI has iteratively fine-tuned the model, enabling it to generate more accurate and contextually appropriate responses over time. This ongoing development has contributed to its widespread adoption and subsequent market dominance.

As the AI industry continues to evolve and new tools emerge, it will be interesting to see how ChatGPT maintains its position at the forefront. With its impressive market share and continued advancements, it is clear that ChatGPT is here to stay.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.