AI Clones Voices of Iconic Actors

AI Clones Voices of Iconic Actors

In a groundbreaking move that blurs the boundaries between the living and the deceased, a London-based business called ElevenLabs has announced its deal to clone the voices of iconic actors Judy Garland, James Dean, Burt Reynolds, and Sir Laurence Olivier. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, users will soon be able to choose these deceased celebrities to narrate their favorite books, articles, and even PDFs through an app.

The significance and excitement of this development are not lost on Liza Minnelli, Ms. Garland’s daughter and representative of her estate, who expressed her enthusiasm by saying, “It’s exciting to see our mother’s voice available to the countless millions of people who love her. Our family believes that this will bring new fans to Mama, and be exciting to those who already cherish the unparalleled legacy that Mama gave and continues to give the world.”

The founders of ElevenLabs, Mati Staniszewski and Piotr Dabkowski, have big ambitions for their venture. They aim to make content accessible in any language and voice, and they see adding the voices of these celebrated actors as a significant step forward in achieving their mission. Dustin Blank, one of the team members, shares their sentiment, stating, “Judy Garland, James Dean, Burt Reynolds, and Sir Laurence Olivier are some of the most celebrated actors in history. We deeply respect their legacy and are honored to have their voices as part of our platform.”

The technology behind this breakthrough is based on “generative” AI models, which are trained using real audio of a person’s voice. These models then learn to replicate the person’s style of speech and generate new words in their voice. While this AI technology has tremendous potential, it has also sparked concerns in the entertainment industry. Just last year, Hollywood actors went on a 118-day strike, fearing that studios would replace them with AI-generated voices. However, initiatives like this one by ElevenLabs demonstrate that AI can be a powerful tool when used responsibly and with respect for the legacy of the individuals whose voices are being cloned.

This is not the first time that AI has made its mark in the entertainment industry. In the music world, AI tools like MAL have been used to isolate a specific artist’s voice or instrument from old recordings, allowing for crystal-clear renditions of their work. Paul McCartney and film director Peter Jackson used MAL to isolate John Lennon’s voice from a 1970s home demo, resulting in the completion of what is considered the “last Beatles song.” Furthermore, holographic technology has allowed artists like Michael Jackson and Tupac to perform at live shows even after their deaths. Swedish band ABBA has also embraced holograms in their performances, enabling them to earn money through virtual renditions of their music.

As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for AI in the entertainment industry are seemingly limitless. While debates may arise about the ethical implications, it is evident that AI has the potential to enhance and expand our experiences with beloved celebrities, allowing their legacies to live on.

In a world where the lines between fiction and reality are becoming increasingly blurred, the voices of these icons will now be accessible in a new and exciting way. Thanks to AI technology, fans of Judy Garland can now hear her voice once more, singing “Somewhere over the Rainbow” or narrating their favorite books. This innovation promises to inspire new fans and further enrich the experiences of those who have long cherished the unparalleled legacy these iconic figures have left behind. As technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for reviving icons and enhancing our entertainment experiences are endless.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.