PM Modi's Speech at G7 Summit: Technology, Collaboration, and Sustainability

PM Modi's Speech at G7 Summit: Technology, Collaboration, and Sustainability

In a powerful speech at the G7 Summit in Apulia, Italy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted the importance of technology, collaboration, and sustainability in advancing global development. As he addressed the Outreach Session on Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Africa, and the Mediterranean, PM Modi expressed his satisfaction at attending the summit after being re-elected for a third term in the recent Lok Sabha election.

PM Modi stressed the need for a human-centric approach to technology, emphasizing that it must serve the well-being of all individuals. He highlighted India’s success in leveraging digital technology for public service delivery, showcasing the country’s initiatives in this area. India’s AI Mission, based on the principle of “AI for All,” was also a key focus of his speech. The Prime Minister emphasized that AI should drive progress and well-being for everyone, and he highlighted India’s efforts to promote international collaboration as a founding member of the Global Partnership for AI.

Furthermore, PM Modi detailed India’s energy transition pathway, highlighting its focus on availability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability. India is committed to achieving the ambitious target of net-zero emissions by 2070, demonstrating its commitment to sustainability. The Prime Minister called for the inclusion of the concerns of the Global South, particularly Africa, urging the international community to prioritize their needs. He acknowledged the honor India felt when the African Union became a permanent member of the G20 during India’s presidency.

The Prime Minister’s speech at the G7 Summit reflects India’s vision for inclusive and sustainable development. By emphasizing the human-centric approach to technology, he showcased India’s commitment to using digital tools for the benefit of its citizens. Additionally, PM Modi’s emphasis on international collaboration and cooperation highlighted India’s efforts to engage as a global leader in the field of AI.

As India works towards its ambitious energy transition goals, the Prime Minister’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2070 underscores the country’s determination to address climate change. By calling for the concerns of the Global South to be prioritized, PM Modi showcased India’s commitment to representing the needs and aspirations of developing nations on the global stage.

The G7 Summit provides a platform for world leaders to come together and discuss pressing global issues. PM Modi’s address during the Outreach Session on Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Africa, and the Mediterranean demonstrated his leadership and his vision for a sustainable and collaborative future. Through his speech, the Prime Minister highlighted India’s successes, ambitions, and commitment to making a positive impact on the world stage.

In his own words, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated, “Technology must be underpinned by a human-centric approach to be successful. We must ensure that technology becomes a tool of progress, not a disruptor to our lives.” This sentiment encapsulates the essence of his address at the G7 Summit - a call for a technology-driven future that benefits every individual and fosters global collaboration towards a sustainable and inclusive world.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.