Thales and CEA Collaborate on Trusted Generative AI for Defense and Security

Thales and CEA Collaborate on Trusted Generative AI for Defense and Security

In a groundbreaking collaboration, Thales’s cortAIx Lab and the CEA (the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) are joining forces to create trusted generative AI for defense and security. This partnership aims to enhance communication within coalitions and streamline joint operations by leveraging the power of AI.

One of the key focuses of this collaboration is interoperability within coalitions. By using trusted generative AI, the aim is to simplify communication between member states involved in joint operations. This AI technology will facilitate interaction between operators and complex systems by translating their intentions into a sequence of actions and converting technical terms into the languages of the various nations involved.

Thales, a leader in trusted AI for mission-critical systems, is no stranger to pushing the boundaries of AI technology. In fact, in 2023, Thales was Europe’s top patent applicant in the field of AI for mission-critical systems. With over 600 AI experts and its AI accelerator, cortAIx Lab, Thales is at the forefront of AI research, systems development, and sensor technology.

“The goal of trusted AI is to meet the specific security and sovereignty needs of our customers,” says a spokesperson from Thales. “Our AI capabilities cover a wide range of domains, including defense, aviation, space, cybersecurity, and digital identity. With the most advanced sensor and system technologies at our disposal, we can provide efficient data analysis, decision support, and object detection, identification, and classification while prioritizing cybersecurity and embeddability in critical environments.”

The CEA, on the other hand, is a key player in trusted AI for mission-critical systems. With expertise spanning the entire AI value chain, from algorithms and software development tools to computing architectures and microelectronics, the CEA is uniquely positioned to contribute to this collaboration. Their solutions, developed alongside academic and industry partners, are designed for applications where AI quality and performance are critical, including cybersecurity, defense, and energy.

Overall, this collaboration between Thales and the CEA is set to revolutionize the field of defense and security. By harnessing the power of trusted generative AI, these organizations are paving the way for more efficient and effective joint operations within coalitions. With Thales’s expertise in trusted AI and the CEA’s comprehensive knowledge of the AI value chain, this partnership holds immense potential for the future of defense and security systems.

“The combination of Thales’s domain expertise and the CEA’s AI capabilities creates a synergy that will push the boundaries of what’s possible in the realm of defense and security,” says a spokesperson from the CEA. “Together, we can develop innovative solutions that address our customers' specific needs and contribute to a safer and more secure world.”

As we look toward the future, collaborations like this remind us of the immense potential of AI in addressing complex challenges and transforming industries. The partnership between Thales and the CEA is a testament to the power of collaboration and highlights the importance of trust and security in AI systems. With their combined expertise, these organizations are at the forefront of creating the next generation of AI technologies for defense and security.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.