LG Uplus Launches ixi-GEN - A Telecom-focused Generative AI Model

LG Uplus Launches ixi-GEN - A Telecom-focused Generative AI Model

LG Uplus, one of South Korea’s top telecommunications providers, has made a groundbreaking move in the world of artificial intelligence. On June 25, 2024, the company launched ixi-GEN, its own generative AI model. This small language model has been trained using LG Uplus' communication and platform data, combining it with the capabilities of the Exaone AI model from the LG AI Research Institute.

Unlike many AI models that rely on cloud services, ixi-GEN can be deployed directly on-premises, providing a cost-effective and secure solution that mitigates concerns about data leakage. Through reliable industry-specific data training, ixi-GEN can filter out sensitive and harmful responses, ensuring the highest level of user safety.

What sets ixi-GEN apart is its telecom-specific focus, enabling natural conversations and sophisticated predictions for telecom services. Furthermore, the fine-tuning process for ixi-GEN is significantly reduced, allowing for rapid application in various telecommunications services.

LG Uplus has ambitious plans for ixi-GEN, with plans to apply it to eight services and platforms this year alone. The company aims to revolutionize the digital experience by integrating the AI model into network business agents, chat agents, and mobile store advisors.

To further support the development and application of AI, LG Uplus introduced the “ixi Solution” AI development platform alongside ixi-GEN. This platform enables both professional developers and non-experts to leverage AI services easily and efficiently. It empowers developers to create new AI services rapidly while providing non-experts with the ability to test and apply AI services with minimal effort.

LG Uplus is committed to enhancing the efficiency, security, and reliability of ixi-GEN and ixi Solution as it expands their usage in conjunction with various services. To achieve this, the company is embracing a multi-LLM (Language and Learning Model) strategy, involving active collaboration with global Big Tech firms and technology companies.

Hwang Kyu-byul, the chief data officer of LG Uplus, expressed the company’s dedication to providing high-quality services and accelerating AI transformation innovation. “We will accelerate business expansion into the B2B area by increasing the use cases of ixi-GEN and ixi Solution, advancing AI technology and accelerating AI transformation innovation,” Kyu-byul said.

With the launch of ixi-GEN and the ixi Solution platform, LG Uplus has positioned itself as a key player in the field of artificial intelligence. By harnessing the power of AI and leveraging its telecom expertise, the company seeks to improve the digital experience for its customers and drive innovation in the B2B sector. The future looks promising as LG Uplus continues to push the boundaries of AI technology.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.