Human-Made Robot Brains With Lab-Grown Stem Cells

Human-Made Robot Brains With Lab-Grown Stem Cells

Exploring the Future: Human-Made Robot Brains With Lab-Grown Stem Cells

In a groundbreaking development, Chinese scientists have successfully created a robot with a brain that is grown in a lab using artificial stem cells. This brain-on-chip technology, developed by researchers at Tianjin University and the Southern University of Science and Technology, combines a brain organoid derived from human stem cells with a neural interface chip. The result is a robotic system that can be taught to perform tasks such as avoiding obstacles and gripping objects.

This innovation is part of the emerging field of brain-computer interfaces (BCI), which seeks to integrate the electrical signals of the brain with external computing power. China has shown particular interest in advancing this technology, and the robot developed by Tianjin University is being hailed as “the world’s first open-source brain-on-chip intelligent complex information interaction system.”

Ming Dong, vice-president of Tianjin University, explains that this technology utilizes an in-vitro cultured brain, such as brain organoids, coupled with an electrode chip to form a brain-on-chip system. This system encodes and decodes stimulation feedback, enabling the robot to learn and respond to its environment.

BCI technology has gained significant attention, thanks in part to Elon Musk’s Neuralink project, which aims to create implantable interfaces that allow individuals to control devices with their thoughts alone. However, Tianjin University’s research takes the concept of human-robot intelligence a step further.

Brain organoids are created using human pluripotent stem cells that have the ability to develop into various types of tissues, including neural tissues. When grafted onto the brain, these organoids can establish functional connections with the host brain. The team from Tianjin University highlights this in an unedited manuscript published in the peer-reviewed Oxford University Press journal Brain, stating that “the transplant of human brain organoids into living brains is a novel method for advancing organoid development and function.”

However, the team also acknowledges the limitations of this technology, such as low developmental maturity and insufficient nutrient supply. To address these challenges, they have developed a technique that utilizes low-intensity ultrasound to improve the integration and growth of the organoids within the brain. This technique not only enhances the differentiation of the organoid cells into neurons but also improves the formation of neural networks with the host brain.

The implications of this technology are vast. It has the potential to not only advance our understanding of basic intelligence using brain organoids but also to open new avenues for the treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders and the repair of damage to the cerebral cortex. Brain organoid transplants are seen as a promising strategy for restoring brain function by replacing lost neurons and reconstructing neural circuits.

In fact, the team from Tianjin University found that using low-intensity ultrasound on implanted brain organoids can ameliorate neuropathological defects. In a test on a mouse model of microcephaly, a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by reduced brain and head size, the ultrasound treatment helped improve the condition. Furthermore, the use of non-invasive low-intensity ultrasound treatment can also aid in the formation and maturation of neural networks, providing a stronger foundation for computing.

As the field of brain-computer interfaces continues to evolve, the development of human-made robot brains using lab-grown stem cells marks a significant milestone. The fusion of biology and technology in such a manner opens up a realm of possibilities for human-robot interaction, artificial intelligence, and medical advancements. The research conducted by Tianjin University not only pushes the boundaries of our understanding but also holds the promise of an exciting future where machines can think and learn with remarkable similarity to human intelligence.

In the words of Li Xiaohong, a professor at Tianjin University, “Brain organoids are regarded as the most promising model of basic intelligence.” With continued research and advancements in brain-on-chip technology, we may witness a future where artificial brains can rival and even exceed human capabilities.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.